About Us
Magnet Theatre seeks to celebrate a spirit of theatrical research and to challenge participants in our activities, performers and audience, through experiences that shift bodies, assumptions, feelings, beliefs and understandings. We strive to be a moving force in the lives and minds of people in relation to changing local and global contexts.
Our mission is to create an original repertoire of South African productions, inspirational performance events and effective educational processes that emphasise the primacy of the human body in the act of theatre. Through explorations of our historical, contemporary and stylistic contexts we dedicate ourselves to raising levels of resources and energising audiences and theatre practitioners in the community at large.
·      To create exciting, innovative and sophisticated African theatre which engages with our present condition in South Africa;
·      To contribute through creative product to a body of historical and cultural research;
·      To continue to develop a physical theatre language which is highly skilled, evocative and inventive and which operates as a means of overcoming vast language diversities;
·      To contribute significantly to capacity building and skills transfer amongst marginalised South African youth in the broader community through the sharing of theatre-making and physical theatre skills;
- To radically shift access to tertiary institutions of education by providing facilitation and support to underprivileged youth who historically and currently have limited access to those institutions;
- To radically shift access to performance and arts activities by taking theatre and arts education out of conventional spaces into rural and peri-urban communities;
- To significantly contribute to the building of youth community theatre as a legitimate form in the cultural environment;
·      To continue to develop a profile for the company as an ongoing organisation with a specific artistic vision;
·      To contribute to job creation by empowering young people to become employable and by employing graduates from University drama departments and the Magnet Theatre training programmes who originate from the previously disadvantaged communities of the city, and giving them valuable work experience under the supervision of highly skilled practitioners;
·      To develop audiences for Magnet Theatre productions and for theatre in general in Cape Town and South Africa by exposing young people from communities across the city to theatre experiences of a high level of skill.
Organisation information
Magnet Theatre is an OPCO of 2 Trusts: The Magnet Theatre Educational Trust (established in 1998) and The Magnet Training and Youth Upliftment Trust with 18A status (established in 2011).
Magnet Theatre Educational Trust
Registration number: IT 3514/98
Registration date: 21 September 1998
NPO registration number: 051-678-NPO
Registration date:Â 13 November 2006
PBO registration number:Â 930030113
Magnet Training and Youth Upliftment Trust
Registration Number: IT2592/2011
Registration Date: 2011
NPO Registration Number: 127-956NPO
NPO Registration Date: 25 September 2013
PBO Reference number: 930044236
- Mark Fleishman: BA, Perf. Dip. (Speech & Drama) MA (UCT) PhD (UCT)
- Mandla Mbothwe: BA (Hons) Perf. Dip. (Speech & Drama) (UCT) MA Theatre Making (UCT)
- Jennie Reznek: BA, Perf. Dip. (Speech & Drama) (UCT), Diploma Ecole Jacques Lecoq (Paris, France), MA (UCT).
- Neo Muyanga: Diploma in Philosophical Studies
- Joonji Mdyogolo: Certificate advanced sub-editing (Wits), BA (Wits) Fullbright Fellow (Uni of Maryland)
Physical address:
Old Match Factory, corner St Michael and Lower Main Road,
Observatory, 7925
Cape Town,
South Africa
Postal address:
2 Morley Road,
Observatory, 7925
Phone: 021 448 3436
E-mail: admin@magnettheatre.co.za