Lwanda Sindaphi
Theatre maker on the mentoring programme 2016.
Actor, Playwright, Theatre director and poet. Lwanda is currently one of the most sought after poets in Cape Town. He started his Theatre career in 2009 debuting at the national arts festival with Sophumelela Theatre group. He holds a performing Arts certificate from New Africa Theatre Academy and currently studied physical theatre and acting at Magnet Theatre. He won the 2011 DFL + LOVER another poetry slam and went to compete in the National finals. Lwanda studied physical theatre under Mark Fleishman and Jennie Reznek where he has performed in the plays like “The Heart of Redness”and adaptation of Zakes Mda’s famous novel by Mark Fleishman, and Running with the Gold Fish by Brink Scholtz. He is a former member of a HIP HOP group from Delft D. O. S, His writing has always been influenced by poetry whether it be music or theatre. He was part of New Africa Theatre graduates who created and performed “Finally it rains in the Desert” with Clare Stopford in 2011, he was also part of a large cast of “Thabo Mbeki and other nighmares” by Tshepo Wa Mamatu winner of GIPCA young directors bursary 2012-2013. His own work include (Writer and Director) “Libethe Lagqitha” a play that was performed at one of the Zabalaza mini festivals in 2012 and “Achilles heel” that was performed at the 2013 Zabalaza Main Festival, “Sins of Others” and “Death the Redeemer” both plays were staged at the Black Box Theatre and 2013 Zabalaza mini festivals.