Smamkele Mentyisi

Smamkele Mentyisi is a writer and performance artist based in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. He holds a BA (Hons) in Theatre & Performance Studies (Majoring in Theatre Making) from the University of Cape Town. Smamkele’s work explores queerness, masculinity and spirituality in a post-apartheid South Africa. Their work utilizes, sonic psychedelia, image collages, and performative installations. Smamkele has performed in Habashwe by Mthuthuzeli Zimba at ICA & Infecting the City (2019), Zimela Mzimela by Smamkele Mentyisi at UCT & Body Politics (2018), Intyatyambo Iyaphume Engxondorheni (Video) by Tandile Mbatsha at Live Art Arcade (2019), We-Define by Smamkele Mentyisi at Impulse CPT (2019), Lwandle: Phuza/Phalaza at Body Politics(2024), AMAHLAZO at Magnet Theatre (2024). Smamkele current works at Magnet Theatre as a facilitator/Learner Support.