A detective thriller that excavates the current African landscape, unearthing shady deals and unsolved murders. Faniswa Yisa, in high heels, is the forensic investigator called in to determine the mysterious death of a wealthy landowner. Piecing together the story she comes face to face with her own and Africa’s past and challenging questions for our common future. DJ Mouton and Jennie Reznek play a host of other characters, from Chinese landlords, to traditional healers, shebeen owners to wealthy oil magnates. Sanjin Muftic complements the physical rollercoaster with provocative images making it a multi-media feast.
“’n Avontuurlike rit wat ‘n Alfred Hitchcock graag sou wou bedink het en later trots op sou wees. Mark Fleishman en Jennie Reznek se Magnet Theatre trek alles aan. (An adventurous ride which Alfred Hitchcock would have loved to have thought up and would have been proud of. Mark Fleishman and Jennie Reznek’s Magnet Theatre attracts everything.)”
Paul Boekkooi, Bylae tot Beeld.
2010, 2012
Places performed
Aardklop National Arts Festival (2010)
Magnet Theatre in Cape Town (2012)
Created by Magnet Theatre
Directed by Mark Fleishman with Jennie Reznek, Faniswa Yisa, Dann-Jaques Mouton and Mandisi Sindo
Design: Illka Louw
Video Images: Sanjin Muftic
Technical Advisor: Craig Leo
Stage Manager/ Production Manager: Sherna Botto (2010); Ryno Keet (2012)
Assistant Director: Frances Marek
Lighting Design: Mark Fleishman