
In Collaboration with CAPE TOWN OPERA
The young cast which includes Magnet Theatre and UCT drama graduates, and some of the young Cape Town Opera Members, have come together under the direction of Mark Fleishman to create a musical version of the Zakes Mda novel HEART OF REDNESS.
Shortlisted for the prestigious Commonwealth Writers Prize, HEART OF REDNESS tells a story of South African village life against the backdrop of a notorious episode from the country’s past. Camugu, who left for America during apartheid, has returned to Johannesburg. Disillusioned by the problems of the new democracy, he travels to the remote Eastern Cape where, in the nineteenth century, a teenage prophetess named Nonqawuse commanded the Xhosa people to kill their cattle and burn their crops, promising that once they did so the spirits of their ancestors would rise and drive the occupying English into the ocean. The failed prophecy split the Xhosa into Believers and Unbelievers, dividing brother from brother, wife from husband, with devastating consequences. One hundred fifty years later, the two groups’ descendants are at odds over plans to build a vast casino and tourist resort in the village, and Camugu is soon drawn into their heritage and their future.
Listen to Zakes Mda speak about the novel – click here
‘The Heart of Redness’ is funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund
‘The confluence of fictional narrative and history, music and religion results in a dense aural experience’
Tracey Saunders, Cape Times
‘…an artistic success. The collaboration between Cape Town Opera, the physical theatre company Magnet Theatre and celebrated local composer Neo Muyanga is unlike anything I’d seen before.’
Peter Tromp, Next48 Hours
Places performed
Magnet Theatre (2013)
Cape Town Opera Studio
The Fugard (2015)
COMPOSER Neo Muyanga
DIRECTOR Mark Fleishman
Actors – Magnet Theatre
Mfundo Tshazibane
Khayelethu Anthony
Luvo Tamba
Indalo Stofile
Lubabalo Nontwana
Sivenkosi Gubangxa
Singers – CTO
Xoliswa Ximiya (lyric soprano) Palesa Malieloa
Qukezwa Zim (dramatic soprano / mezzo Pelisa Myendeki
Camagu Cesane (tenor)  Khanyiso Gwenxane
Bhonco Xiniya / Twin-Twin / Chorus (tenor) Mthunzi Mbombela
Zim / Twin / Chorus (bass) Nkosana Sitimela
NoMarussia / Chorus (soprano)Tina Mene
Believer / Chorus (alto / mezzo) Miranda Tini
Mhlakaza / Chorus (baritone) Simphiwe Mayeki
Violin Galina Juritz
Bass Brydon Bolton
Xhoza Bows / Mbira Lungiswa Plaatjies
Bass Bows Sylvain Baloubeta
Percussion Texito Langa
Keyboards Samantha Riedel

Heart of Redness Poster
Banner for the Fugard Theatre 19-22 August.