
Three performers explore the call and response of stones. Together with the stones they play games of song and sound, evoking places and feelings. The stones are the land. And the people need the land. It is exchanged, given away and shared.
In collaboration with Goethe-Institut South Africa and Helios Theater as part of the Early Years Theatre Incuabtion 2018
Places performed
Magnet Theatre
Designed by Asiphe Lili
With Siphesande Mkokose, Carlo Daniels, Luxolo Rapula Mboso
Assisted by: René Brown
Created by the company with input from Jennie Reznek (Magnet Theatre), Barbara Kölling and Anna-Sophia Zimniak (Theater Helios), Jayne Batzofin and Andi Colombo.
Stage Management: Andi Colombo
Lighting Design: Themba Stewart and Andi Colombo
Production Manager: Themba Stewart