Zimkhita Mzimba is 19 years old and is from Khayelitsha. She matriculated from Chris Hani Secondary and was part of Ubuhlanti Theatre.

Ayanda Haas is 28 years old. He is from Dunoon and matriculated from Ekuphumleni Secondary a former member of Black Ink Arts Movement theatre group.

Ferdinand Williams is 23 years old and attended Kuilsriver Technical High. He lives in Kuilsriver and before Magnet Theatre, he worked with C-Kruis Performing Ministries in Pretoria.

Zolisa Nkonyaya is 20 years old and matriculated from Chris Hani Secondary. He is from Makhaza and was involved with Ubuhlanti Theatre Productions.

Anne Bosch is from Kenwyn, in the Southern Suburbs. She is 23 years old and matriculated from Sans Souci Girls High School and also attended Abbotts College.

Tina Hashe is a 19 year old Khayelitsha who attended Chris Hani High. She was involved in Uthandolwe Kamvalethu Arts Organization.

Mfundo Zono is 30 years old and grew up in Port Elizabeth. He attended Ncedo Senior Secondary School and used to be a member of Megenge Productions.

Kay Smith is from Garden Village, Cape Town. She is 22 years old and matriculated from Durbanville High School. Previously she received drama training from Henry Mylne.

Athenkosi Mfamela is 20 years old from Nyanga East. He matriculated from Zonnebloem Nest Senior Secondary School and is a former member of New Born Theatre Productions.

Thando Suselo matriculated from Joe Slovo High. He is 22 years old and lives in Khayelitsha a former member of Uthandolwe Kamvalethu Arts Organization.