Sisipho is 22 years old and lives in Khayelitsha. She is a member of Imbawula Theatre Company.

Lubabalo is 23 years old. He lives in Khayelitsha and has been a member of the Iqhude Drama group for a number of years performing at various community festivals.

Siphenathi lives in Phillipi and is 22 years old. He has attended diverse theatre workshops and courses: puppetry with UNIMA SA and workshops run by Janice Honeyman.

Bulelani is 24 years old and lives in Khayelitsha. He is an experienced community drama group practitioner, and shows a lot of potential as actor, director and theatre maker. His production ‘Worst of Both Worlds’ won Best Production at the Zabalaza Festival.

Thulisa is 21 years old is a member of Popiehuis Productions and attended drama classes at the Cape Academy of Dramatic Art. She lives in Old Crossroads.

Babalwa is 19 years old and lives in Khayelitsha. She matriculated in 2011 with excellent marks in isiXhosa and Life Orientation, and is an active member of the community drama group Future Line Arts Academy.

Eddie is 24 years old and lives in Durbanville. He spent time at the New Africa Theatre Academy in 2009.

Nomzamo is 26 years old. and comes from Port Elizabeth. She originally auditioned for UCT, and when she was not accepted at the university, she contacted Magnet Theatre and has been accepted there. She is relocating to Cape Town for the duration of the training programme.

Thukelo is 26 years old and lives in Gugulethu. He is a very focussed and talented young man who shows great potential as a physical theatre performer.

Jeoffrey is 22 years old. He recently performed in the exciting new production Thabo Mbeki and Other Nightmares. He lives in Phillipi.